
Knowing what he wanted to do since about the age of twelve, Kevin spent the first money he made on a video camera and editing software. He promptly started failing all of his classes because he was spending all of his free time shooting and editing little movies instead of doing his homework.

After barely graduating high school, Kevin moved to Los Angeles where he attended the New York Film Academy. Soon after, he was hired as the cinematographer and editor for what would become the notorious Lonelygirl15, one of the first viral “web series” on YouTube.

Since then, Kevin has worked as a cinematographer on projects ranging from award-winning documentaries and short films, to narrative features, to music videos and commercials. His work includes projects with Hungry Man, Funny or Die, the New York City Ballet, Bluegreen Resorts, Oikos, Nerds and Nintendo.

Kevin lives in Washington with his wife Megan where he aspires to somehow run a half-marathon while juggling his career and two kids.

(530) 205-5310

